Thursday, October 26, 2006

An Abbreviated Post...

I poisoned myself last night, apparently. Suffice to say I’ve been suffering from severe gastric distress since oh-dark-thirty this morning. I’ve taken the usual meds (thank GOD my medicine cabinet is well-stocked for such contingencies) and may be back later on.

In the mean time, I’ll leave you with this bit from Michael Barone of US News:

This afternoon I had the privilege of being one of eight columnists interviewing George W. Bush in the Oval Office. The others were Tony Blankley of the Washington Times, Daniel Henninger of the Wall Street Journal, Charles Krauthammer of the Washington Post, Lawrence Kudlow of CNBC, Kathleen Parker of the Orlando Sentinel, Mark Steyn of the Chicago Sun-Times, and Byron York of National Review–all conservatives of various stripes. Like many others who have been with Bush in the Oval Office, I have found him to be much more articulate and forceful in that setting than he often is in press conferences or in taking questions from traveling reporters. The interview was on the record, so we are posting an MP3 audio recording (High bandwidth | Low bandwidth) of the whole hour. I think you'll find it compelling listening. It's the closest thing many people will get to spending an hour or so in the Oval Office with the 43rd president.

Judging from the reaction to this by people I respect, the audio files are well worth the listen. I haven’t listened yet (simply because I’m not motivated towards doing much at all, save keeping a clear path to “the little room”), but I will. Barone’s full column/essay is here, which is good as a stand-alone.

Today’s Pic: Even More Plane Pr0n. This time it’s the nose of a B-25 done up in USMC livery. Amarillo, TX. May 22, 2004. (click for larger, as always)

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